Time For Your Child To Begin Orthodontic Treatment? Tips To Help Them Through The First Few Days

14 June 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If your child is about to get braces, it's time to start preparing for those first couple of days. Those are going to be the most trying for your child – and for you. Your child is going to experience some pain and discomfort, which might make them more than just a little irritable. Don't worry. In a few days, the pain will subside, and your child will be back to normal. Until then, here are a few things you can do to help them through those first few days of orthodontic treatment.

Have Plenty of Soft Food on Hand

For the first couple of days after having their braces installed, your kid isn't going to feel like eating normal foods. In fact, you'll be advised to avoid foods that can damage the braces, or cause pain to your child. To make sure that your child is comfortable during meal time, it's a good idea to stock up on plenty of soft foods. Things like soup, yogurt, and even cottage cheese are good foods to have on hand for your child. Ice cream is also a good item to have on hand. Not only is it soft, it's also cold, which will feel good on your child's mouth.

Prepare an Orthodontic Survival Kit

Your child is going to be experiencing some pain and discomfort while they adjust to life with braces. That's why it's important that you prepare an orthodontic survival kit for them. It should include the following items.


Metal braces can cause painful cuts on the inside of your child's mouth, and along the gums. That's where braces wax comes in handy. They can apply the wax to the surface of their braces to prevent injury to their mouth.

Pain Reliever

Mild pain can make life downright unbearable for the first few days. Having a handy supply of over-the-counter pain reliever will help your child through the transition.

Ice Packs

During those first few days, your child may experience some mild swelling around the gums and mouth area. Ice packs will help alleviate the swelling and discomfort.

Schedule a Consultation

If it appears that your child has questions, or reservations, about their impending orthodontic treatment, it's a good idea to schedule a consultation with the dentist. Have your child prepare a list of questions and concerns that they have. During the consultation, allow your child to discuss those issues with the dentist. This will help them understand the treatment they're about to receive.
